
Practitioners of Ecclesiastical Holistic Wellness offer natural health improvement and counseling services based on a ministerial license issued by Guardian Ecclesiastical Holistic Association (GEHA).


GEHA Practitioners do not diagnose health conditions or prescribe any medications or pharmaceutical drugs. GEHA Members offer Ecclesiastical Holistic natural wellness counseling based upon the principles of health discussed in the Christian Bible and the faith based belief that all health is related to the mind, body and spirit.


GEHA Practitioners offer Christian or Faith-based counseling services on the understanding that the GEHA association is a faith-based non-profit group who believe in the Holistic Wellness of Mind, Body and Spirit.


The GEHA license is not to practice medicine. GEHA licensed members do not diagnose or cure any disease, and they do not prescribe any medicines or pharmaceutical drugs.  This license is completely separate from and not related to any secular federal or state governmental licensing authority or any other healthcare license the practitioner may have.


The information provided is to assist members to be better informed on the root of dis-ease and to better their knowledge of the Biblical teachings of God’s abundance and the practice of a healthy holistic lifestyle.


All content on this site is for informational purposes only and is not offered or intended as legal advice. There is no guarantee that an ecclesiastically exempt practice can be successfully created and defended in all cases or in all jurisdictions. We suggest seeking legal advice before using this information.